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Location: Bangalore, KA, India

everything is transient including what i think i know about myself ...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Testing the waters again
Talking about trekking and al that rekindled the spirit for adventure to the extent that I did what I like most to do - travel. Without a binding schedule. Welcome periods of resting in hotel rooms interspersed with the prescribed dose of the sun - wandering, waiting, travelling - and topped with long rides in rickety buses on dusty, what-was-once, roads. But this time I was armed with Flex-izy HP. Applied the cream lavishly all over the joints & limbs, and after 14 hours of travelling, I was not flinching away from some more the next morning. In fact, we did about 29 hours of travelling in the last leg of about 37 hours!!
More about the places some other time ...


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