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Location: Bangalore, KA, India

everything is transient including what i think i know about myself ...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Why are blogs popular?
You would think, ' Why would any one be interested in knowing about what you think or do?'
You cannot be any more mistaken than that.
Believe me, I just did a check on how many times Kodachadri has appeared on blogs and there were some 28 counts!!
That told me there are others who are passing through the adventurous phase right now and they hit these blogs to check out whats been happening!! Amazing you would say, if there is a US influence in your life! Otherwise, till recently 'amazing' was a pretty powerful word. Now, if a spider suddenly comes out of the headlight dome and manages to ride the next few kilometers with you as you cruise on your scooter, thats amazing!!
It also told me, the greater the distance we manage to create amongst us or lets say the isolation we manage to achieve, the greater we seek company!! Amazing again. Actually what we are trying to do - I guess - is that we are constantly refining our preferences. So we are shutting out what is not relevant to the Here & Now and selecting what seems to make sense at this time and place.
When we did the trek, we carried a lot of stuff with us. Unnecessary I would say today. To the extent that Athmaram discarded the damned rubber boots which had given him a sixth toe, and happily completed the trek in his hawais. Flex-izy HP, No-iTcH and Solemate were not around in those days!!!

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