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Location: Bangalore, KA, India

everything is transient including what i think i know about myself ...

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Did you know that bees migrate.... almost regularly?!

Beside our office terrace on the 3rd floor which acts as our dining area, there is a Peepal tree - Ficus Religiosa – at arm’s reach, which looks pale and paler as the year goes around. You should really see the environment in which it exists, to know why I say so.
However we are surprised by the amount of life it supports. Butterflies, squirrels, crows, mynas, cuckoos, parrots, robins and many others are regular visitors. None of them appear to live on this tree though. With the exception of bees.
Several months ago there were some 5 small beehives spread across the Peepal tree. It was a peaceful coexistence, they never bothered us. Then one day, all the hives disappeared without a trace... overnight.
Not being aware that bees shift bases periodically, we were wondering what prompted them to go! Come to think of it, that is how they came there in the first place.... from somewhere else!
However, that didn't strike us as unusual, it was just exciting that they had chosen our tree. And now they'd gone. Somehow it didn't generate much attention or conversation at that time.
A few days ago, we noticed another small beehive taking shape in a neighboring tree - Singapore Cherry perhaps. It has stayed small since then.
Today, however, as we panned the trees, we found a huge, dark beehive in yet another tree, a banyan this time. These bees are much bigger, their bites are said to be a lot more painful. They are Hejjaenu.

Raju, our encyclopedia of rural life, shared the gyan that bees do change places during the new or full moon days. And while doing so, they also empty out all the honey! So if you want to pluck the hive for extracting honey, you will need to do it a couple of days ahead. Otherwise, chances are, you’ll find just the bare tree.
Some movers, these bees, moving the honey along with the hive! Now, there’s more respect for this joint family.
This was something new... a lesson, a learning emanating from this Holi’s full moon! While I was at it, I was able to find some of that other life as well.

Keep looking around you. Keep learning.


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