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Monday, November 19, 2012

Googling for meaning

Some Google to find out the spellings of words. Just key in the intended word, read a few reviews and decide that it is the spelling that you want to use. And I can't wait to tell you how wrong this can be! Take a case in point. The boys were working on the 2013 calendar so 1 guy asked the other language expert how to spell calendar. He said 'calender' and to be safe suggested that he should google it out and make sure for himself. This guy did so, and sure enough, there was 'calender' with pictures of annual and month-wise calendars showing up in the search. Naturally he was convinced and used it on the calendar cover. When I noticed it I was compelled to do another google just to understand how to present the fact. As I scrolled down the options for 'calender', the explanation that it refers to a roller that is used in flattening or evening out in some processes, appeared first. Further down, it was explained that 'calender' is a common misspelling for 'calendar'. Then I went back to our team with the explanation that even wrong spellings can also show up in a Google search simply because someone or a few people have used it in web content. For instance with a little effort I could put up the word 'calinder' and you might be able to justify that it is how 'calendar' is spelled. Unless of course, someone else explains that it is a common misspelling for 'cylinder'! Hillary US!


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