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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Introducing you to the world of SU DO KU.

Now you might be wondering what is there to introduce something that is almost a common feature in all daily newspapers. However it is also common to find most people avoiding it! So here’s a re-look.

Sudoku is a number puzzle that is usually presented in a 9 x 9 square. The earliest forms were presented in 1892 & 1895 in France. The present form called as Number Place was published in Dell Magazines during 1979. The Japanese picked it up in 1984 and gave it a new name as well – Sudoku.
In another 20 years, it became known and popular the world over. In fact, in 2010 a 100×100-grid puzzle nicknamed Sudoku-zilla was also attempted. Today there is a whole world of variants, including alphabetical, alphanumeric and grids of different dimensions. For our discussion let us stick to the 9 by 9 variant.

So why should one be looking at Sudoku? Because it is a logic-based number placement puzzle that uses combinations – something similar to the Travelling Salesman problem in Operations Research, an exercise at optimizing resources. It keeps the brain active with the need for logic. One starts noticing patterns that helps in analysis. It teaches patience. Many puzzles have a unique solution and the player starts evolving different approaches every time, a skill that comes handy in advanced mathematics.

What do we need to do to solve a Sudoku puzzle? We need to fill in numbers 1 to 9 in a 9 x 9 grid of small squares, taking into consideration those numbers which are already presented, and finding the remaining numbers such that 1 to 9 occur in whatever order in every row, column and 3 x 3 grid. In doing so, no number should repeat in any row, column or 3 x 3 grid.

Every Sudoku puzzle is like embarking on an adventure. The same numbers go round and round revealing various patterns and combinations, tricking you now, surrendering next, drawing you deeper. It is amazing how just nine numbers can keep you spellbound. Especially those with some exotic tags like ‘killer’ or ‘devilish’ which can drive you to desperation.

The best part is that there is no “How to” on this skill to fill. If you come across a How To guide, don’t even open it! Every puzzle is unique and will open with a unique key, or so it would seem. Besides the aim is to enjoy cracking the challenge, not find shortcuts to finish the race in the shortest time. 


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