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everything is transient including what i think i know about myself ...

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

It's amazing how life responds to rain, especially plants. Things that you could not manage to bring out for months with regular watering of a patch of garden come bursting out of the soil when rains knock on their doors! You will be surprised that all these codes just lay there all these days, waiting to execute.

I have also witnessed that the ripe vegetable seeds that you plant with much pomp and wait with bated breath to see blossom, simply give up and melt into the soil, or take a long time to grow and finally dry up, or seem to grow all too quickly with buds, flowers & little fruits even as the plant itself remains stunted and finally perish like the others. Bottom-line? You are left with the feeling that these seeds were not at all meant for / designed for natural reproduction!


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